Tunisia, beloved of artists and Romans alike

It was easy to fly from Algeria to Tunisia, and my traveling companion Marian Orloff-Bagley and I were anxious to see famous Roman ruins such as Carthage, and to understand why such artists as Paul Klee raved about the light in Tunisia.

A biography of Klee notes:  " Klee's artistic breakthrough came in 1914, after a trip to Tunisia. Inspired by the light in Tunis, Klee began to delve into abstract art."   Tunisia is still a magnet for artists both local and foreign-born, and a great article in the New York Times gives insight:  https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2016/11/01/t-magazine/tunisia-artists-intellectuals.html?_r=0

Writing this post in 2017, 11 year since the visit there, I am filled with sadness about the recent terrorism that has afflicted this lovely country and its friendly people.  

If you can't wait for my post about Tunisia, this is a very good one on the major sights:  http://www.planetware.com/tourist-attractions-/tunis-tun-tc-t.htm