Trip to New York City, November 28– December 2, 2018

(written in the voice of Rosemary Lincoln, who I had the pleasure of showing NYC and its holiday glories!)

November 28

We met at the airport (JFK) and taxied to 235 E. 22rd Street together, the condo apartment of Barbara’s friend Cathy.  We threw our bags into the apartment, combed our hair (Rosemary fussed the most…) and off we went to one of the iconic (and best) restaurants in New York City.

Waiting for our table at Gramercy Tavern NYC; holiday weekend treat!

November 29

We got going late in the morning, and admired the tree and the hustle and bustle of the crowds in Rockefeller Center, and then had a great lunch at a restaurant right across the street with Barbara’s friends from UBS.  The menu was mind-boggling, but we passed on the caviar  😊.   

We went to see the Christmas show with the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall.

Next we enjoyed the Midtown area, and walked and walked, looking at the wonderful window displays on Fifth Avenue.

The sidewalks were crowded, and people kept bumping into us.  We ducked into a pharmacy and got blinking bulb necklaces;  it made us visible (very much so!) as we walked, and were fun accessories.

Sundown comes early in New York City in December, and as luck would have it, there we were on Fifth Avenue just as the fantastic light and sound display started on the front of Saks Fifth Avenue.  Absolutely free, and absolutely beautiful.

We made our way to St Regis hotel, a grand hotel in the Midtown area of the city. 

The King Cole bar is a famous bar at the St. Regis hotel,  supposedly where Bloody Marys were invented, so of course we had to have one! The wait for a table for two was going to be very long, so we joined with a Mom and her grown son to make it four, and had a wonderful time chatting with them.   The son is actually a lighting expert for bridges, and one of his jobs is to climb on the Bay Bridge in San Francisco and replace the bulbs that burn out of that lighting display.

November 30

What a busy day!  Yesterday was a dilly, but Barb and I keep packing in the experiences!

Frist, a stop at the Empire State Building… but taking the elevator all the way up was too much.  Better to enjoy the scale model in the lobby.

That gave us time to go to Macy’s Herald Square NYC, the largest store in the world!

Next stop, the Whitney Museum and its much-lauded Andy Warhol exhibit.  We also had lunch at their museum restaurant, Untitled, an excellent restaurant managed by the same group that manages the Gramercy Tavern!

We had reservations at Rolf’s, 281 3rd Ave, known for its incredible Christmas decorations!   Hearty German food, and loads of fun!

December 1

What a great visit to the Museum of Modern Art!  

I am so pleased to see the original of Van Gogh's Starry Night, since I’d just reviewed my grandson’s homework paper on this art piece.

And then there is the magnificent gallery of Monet’s Water Lillies!

How wonderful that MOMA has a place where children can relax with a great work of art and either copy it, or do their own thing. 

There is also a great museum restaurant, The Modern, where we had a nice pre-show meal!

Next Museum:  On our way to the Metropolitan Museum of art.

Barb likes all of these ethnographic exhibits… I go for the gold!

Getting ready for the performance of Kinky Boots on Broadway!  What a fun show!

December 2

We sure packed a lot into these days!  

On our last half-day, a hearty breakfast at Tivoli Café, corner of 22nd and 3rd Avenue, before heading to the airport.

The only problem was … terrible weather at JFK.   Barb’s flight did go, but late, but it went because she was on a big plane and a long-haul cross-country flight.  My flight was cancelled until the next day, and I found myself in the claws of a gypsy cab driver who charged me an arm and a leg for the 3 mile trip to the airport hotel.  I’ll only take registered yellow cabs from now on!   But the hotel was nice, I had a decent meal and a drink (!!) and I made it home the next day.

Great fun trip!